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Make a Moving Dogger

Make a Moving Dogger

Practise cutting and joining skills by making a moving Dogger. This session links to English Plan 2 Stories with familiar settings. Learn how to cut well, make a hole in cardboard and construct moving joins using paper fasteners.
Earth, Moon and Sun

Earth, Moon and Sun

The world is in their hands in this session along with the Moon and the Sun! Children create drawn scale models of each and use a trundle wheel to measure scaled distances between them. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Under our feet!

Under our feet!

Explore what is under our feet. Draw and label a cross section of the Earth. Discover the three main rock types. Test the permeability of different kinds of rocks. Find out information from websites. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Rock investigations

Rock investigations

Learn some key vocabulary about rocks. Take part in a workshop offering a range of activities including testing hardness of rocks, sorting rocks, finding information, drawing rocks and thinking about how pebbles and sand are formed. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Star constellations

Star constellations

Children have stars in their eyes in this session as they find out more using internet research. They identify common constellations and discover how they are linked to horoscopes. How accurate are their star sign characteristics? Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
We All Say Hello

We All Say Hello

Play circle games to practice greeting each other confidently. How many ways do children know to say hello in a different language? Learn 3 new ways.
Looking after Baby

Looking after Baby

What’s it like to look after a baby? Children have the opportunity to see a real baby and ask the mother questions about life with a baby! They then use drama to explore family life and the needs of a baby.
Seed dispersal

Seed dispersal

Some seeds rattle, some roll, others are just bursting out all over the place! Children discover that plants disperse many seeds in different ways, what clues do their sizes, shapes, weights and textures give us about how they spread? Suitable for Y5 pupils.
How old is my toy?

How old is my toy?

How do we know that a toy is old? What happens to our toys when they get played with lots? Children explore different toys and look for the signs of age. They choose precise words and explain their reasoning in detail. Suitable for Years 1 and 2.
Amphitheatres, the Colosseum

Amphitheatres, the Colosseum

Children continue the work on the Coliseum in Rome. They find out about its history and then identify and locate this building in today’s Rome. Pointing out that it can be visited, chn look at tourist brochures and plan a visit! Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Boat investigation

Boat investigation

In this session children investigate how the shape and surface area of a boat can affect how easily it can move through the water. Children test a variety of designs before creating bar charts to show their results. Suitable for Y4 pupils.


Discuss how the cartoons seen yesterday link to the book We Are All Born Free. Discuss how with rights come responsibilities and what responsibility means. Play the String Game using rights and responsibilities and discover how strong a net can be made. Suitable for years 5 and 6.


Session 1 - Children consider the development that they have undergone since they were babies. Draw a timeline of their lives so far. Continue research into the life stages of another animal concentrating on how quickly the babies develop. Have a baby photo challenge! Session 2 - Look at the proportions of a human adult as shown by Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man. Investigate the shape changes between a baby and an adult human, concentrating on the head to body length ratio. Measure and draw graphs. Sketch children and adults in proportion. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Personal Profile

Personal Profile

Use celebrity profiles to decide what children might include in their personal profile to introduce themselves to their link school friends. Listen to Ghanaian children describing themselves and their families. Prepare own profiles on screen or as recordings.
Who wants to grow up?

Who wants to grow up?

Children continue to explore how our bodies and minds change as we get older and how this might affect us in old age. They go on to explore their feelings and frustrations about wanting to be older.
Water cycle

Water cycle

Children explain how evaporation and condensation are involved in the water cycle and describe all the water cycle processes. Identify the different forms of water that are seen in various weather conditions and the different clouds that are seen in our skies. Suitable for Y5 pupils.
Eclipses and seasons

Eclipses and seasons

The Sun is a million times larger than Earth so how can its rays sometimes be obscured by the much smaller Moon? Children discover how eclipses are created and how the Earth’s tilt on its axis creates seasons. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Mandela: A Hero

Mandela: A Hero

Look in more detail at Mandela’s life and in particular share with children a film of his release from prison. Reflect on reasons why Mandela is considered a hero by so many people all over the world. Add further details to the timeline. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Everyday uses of materials

Everyday uses of materials

Make a water container out of a paper towel to get children thinking about the importance of understanding material properties. Look closely at some great new vocabulary to describe materials and make a large glossary for the classroom. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Diversity and Value

Diversity and Value

Through artwork/ poetry/song the significance of the ‘Rainbow nation’, and of valuing diversity, is celebrated. Suitable for years 5 and 6.